Miles Edgeworth – The Prosecutorial Prodigy Versus the Legendary Lawyer?!
Sep 27, 2013 // Chris
Ace Attorney’s most famous frienemy continues his passion for justice
In honor of the upcoming release of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies we’re providing old and new fans a series of brief character bios in order to bring them up to speed. Feel free to chime in with your thoughts and/or upload your favorite character art in the comments below .
“Becoming Chief Prosecutor doesn’t change a thing about me or my duty to uncover the truth.”
A brilliant prosecutor who has faced off against Phoenix Wright a number of times in the past, Miles Edgeworth has since been elevated to the office of Chief Prosecutor. His passion for the truth made him as much a rival as a trusted ally to Phoenix as they strove to serve justice and find the truth, but it’s been 8 years since Phoenix’s disbarment and recent reinstatement.
Are the two rivals about to go head to head again after all this time? And with the powers of his new post, will he prove to be a source of help or hindrance to the lawyers of the Wright Anything Agency?
To see more Miles Edgeworth character art head into our Dual Destinies Art Gallery and catch up on the Ace Attorney action with the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy HD for iOS .
Miles as a child
Previous troubles
Alternate Edgeworth costume in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3