International Shipping Now Available in the Capcom Store
Apr 17, 2009 // Snow
Remember when we first put the Mega Man Press kits in the Capcom Store? You were excited, and had to have one! But… you may have lived outside of North America. Now it’s time to cheer up! After listening to you fans, we’ve decided to open up international shipping in our Capcom Store . This means you can finally get those rare items like the Tricell Press Kit , FLOCK! Play Set , Mega Man 9 Soundtrack , and loads of other sweet swag if you live outside of North America.
We’re not going to hide the fact that international shipping is expensive. That said, we’re keeping the shipping cost to you exactly what we pay to get it to you. We’re not making profit on it.
Everything in the store besides games will ship to you. So you can get all the shirts, figures, soundtracks, press kits, controllers, etc. that were previously not available to you.
Now your Capcom collections can be complete no matter where you live! Be on the look out for more exclusive swag in the Capcom Store .