Ace Attorney Limited Edition – Japan
Apr 15, 2009 // Snow
Ace Attorney gets a fantastic limited edition in Japan. And this is on top of the Premium Edition DSi . So what’s inside this package? Awesome sauce, that’s what. Here’s some of the things inside that I need any Ace Attorney fan must have:
– Orchestrated Mini Album. It’s all music from the game re-done by the Tokyo Symphonic Orchestra. 5 tracks in all.
– Video Collection DVD. Has some really unique footage like a “How to Play” video, some footage of the Special Court Hearing Event, TGS video, and more.
– Concert Pamphlet. Inside is also a look at the Manga by the Art Director!
– Character Portrait Cards
– Special Card Case. It’s a sweet carrying case for your Ace Attorney games, with six open slots. Enough to hold all your AA games in… =)
Check it out here . There’s a whole site dedicated to this Limited Edition.
Also, for those of you able to find a way to pre-order on the Japan e-Capcom store, there’s an even cooler pre-order item. I never thought I’d see the day when I call a tea cup “Rad,” but here it is . And Rad doesn’t even cut it. Tell me that isn’t the coolest tea cup you’ve ever seen. Win!