Okami Hoodies – Available NOW
Nov 16, 2012 // Chris
Revitalize your wardrobe with our exclusive Amaterasu inspired attire.
By popular demand, the Okami hoodie is finally ready to cloak your body in celestial warmth ! Perhaps you saw the slightly stupid video “assassination” we made as an homage to a certain high profile game released at the same time as Okami HD? (Love ya, Ubisoft!)
NOTE: The Hoodie featured in the video was a prototype. The available version is thicker with more vibrant colors.
The Okami hoodie is for sale now exclusively in the Capcom Store , so you won’t find it anywhere else. It comes in sizes Small through XXL, sells for $49.95 plus shipping, and is sure to be all the rage with people who care about quality clothing and uniquely beautiful games. Which reminds us: Okami HD is also available now in the PlayStation Store !