Monster Hunter – Meet the Gigginox
May 14, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
And just as you thought Monday was over, we’re adding one more piece of awesomeness to our weekly Monster Hunter Mondays , kicking off a new video series exploring our favorite monsters in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate !
In this first video, Brelston and I fight a Gigginox while chatting about why we think it’s so cool, creepy and how it got to be his first favorite monster in the game. Take a look below:
That’s pretty much the gist of this new show. We hope you liked it and stay tuned for more, coming up soon. As we said in the video, we’ll go through a first round of monsters with some of our staff ( Gregaman and Xantista are coming up next), but we also want your input. Just keep in mind you’ll need a Wii U, Skype, Internet connection and we won’t repeat any monsters… otherwise, you can start thinking about what you’re favorite monster and what you’d want to say! 😉