Win a Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies statue
Oct 23, 2013 // Chris
Show your Ace Attorney love for a chance to take home one of three rare statues in our Ultimate Ace Attorney Fan Tribute Contest!
If you here, I can only assume you’re well aware Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies is hitting the 3DS this tomorrow ! Obviously this is enough cause for some celebration. But looky what just landed on my desk: One of FIVE 1/10th scale, sealed Phoenix Wright statues.
Some birds aren’t meant to be caged…
WHOA! That’s an ultra-rare Phoenix Wright statue that’s never been available for purchase in the West. Who wouldn’t want one?! The thing is, we really want to make sure this thing goes out the biggest Ace Attorney fan we can find.
How can you win one? Glad you asked: In order to ensure this statue belongs in your collection above all others, we need you to pay tribute. Got an Ace Attorney collection in your house? Or maybe an Ace Attorney costume you made? Snap a picture of it. You could even could draw a picture, concoct some custom fan art in Photoshop, or put together a tribute video in honor of the Acest of all Attorneys highly-anticipated return on Nintendo portables. To reiterate:
-Show us a picture of your Ace Attorney Collection
-Show us a picture of your Ace Attorney Cosplay
-Create a piece of Ace Attorney fan art
-Send us a link to your Ace Attorney tribute
Whatever you choose to do, enter by sending us an email to contest@capcom.com . Attach your picture and/or include a link to your video tribute in the email body, your address, and be sure to add “Ultimate Ace Attorney Fan Contest” in the subject line. The contest is open to residents of North America and the European Union. You have until October 30th. Click here for more rules.
A vailable in the Nintendo 3DS eShop starting Oct. 24th
We can’t express enough how rare these statues are. Nobody in the Capcom US office has one and the only three we have on the entire continent are destined for the doorsteps of three lucky fans. This is a serious prize, so we encourage you to get creative and show your Ace Attorney love.