Want a Free Copy of Monster Hunter? Give Us Your Ideas for Monsters!
Jun 22, 2009 // Snow
Monster Hunter is full of all varieties of creatures. It’s not just dragons, but giant crabs, primates, insects, and even giant floating squid type things. It’s really a limitless world when it comes to inventing monsters to fill it with.
Coming up with cool monsters isn’t as easy as it would seem. So we’re looking for your input, creativity, and imagination. We’re asking you to come up with a monster you’d like to see in Monster Hunter! Give it a detailed description on what it looks like, what attacks it would have, what environments it lives in, etc. Even include a picture if you like!
If we like your monster concept, we’ll send you a copy of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, the Hunters’ Field Book, Limited Card, Poogie, and an exclusive E3 shirt.
Have fun with this, and fill in as much detail as you like. The contest starts now, and ends one week from now on Monday, June 29th at 11:59pm where we’ll select three winners. Send your submissions to Mr. Contest with “My Monster Idea” as the subject line.
Enter the contest no matter where you live! If you are selected, we’ll message you and get your address to mail you the game and prizes.