Ultimate MvC3 “Ancient Warrior” costume pack delayed until March 6
Dec 19, 2011 // Minish Capcom
Since UMvC3 launched, we’ve provided a steady stream of brand new costumes for both Marvel and Capcom characters, with new packs arriving every other week or so. The next scheduled release, “Ancient Warrior Pack,” will actually arrive later than expected, moving from December 20 to March 6 in the US and March 7 in Europe.
When it arrives early next year, the pack will not contain Magneto as previously stated. This will bring the costume count for the Ancient Warrior pack down to three, retaining Firebrand, Arthur and Hulk. We’ll announce pricing details closer to launch.
For a rundown of the new costumes currently available, check out our ongoing costume blogs that discuss the inspiration of each new outfit. We handle the Capcom entries, obviously, while Marvel chimes in with expert commentary from their own Chris Baker. If you’ve ever wanted to see the Spider-Man Clone Saga summarized with a Haiku, your strange request has been granted!
As for the next scheduled costume release, that would be the “Brawler Pack” on January 10 with Spencer, Haggar, She-Hulk and Iron Fist. And apologies for the Ancient Warrior delay… I was personally looking forward to that sick Firebrand update, plus goofy skele-Arthur. At least they’re still coming in March!