Spread the Capcom love with ACNL
Jul 09, 2013 // Minish Capcom
In between bouts of Monster Hunter and clearing out my StreetPass, I’ve also been feverishly addicted to Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It’s been 11 years since I dug into one this hard (Wild World and City Folk never grabbed me to the degree the GC version did) and its infectious charm is providing a wonderful contrast to the hours spent slaying Brachydios.
Part of AC’s allure is the potential for self-expression, be it through the look of your home, the state of your town or through the designs you create in the sewing shop. The latter is done via a pixel grid, so of course that means plenty of classic gaming shout outs on AC umbrellas, shirts and flag poles.
I slapped this Mega Man head together, then visited Sable to access the QR Code machine to generate that image above. Between that and sharing screenshots via i.nintendo.net , it’s easy to create and share all kinds of designs!
So – what game designs have you made, and more specifically, what Capcom goodies have you made? Let’s post some images and I’ll share them on the blog!
For some inspiration, check around the net for stockpiles of AC patterns, including:
And let’s not even get started with Town Tunes !