SF HD Remix, the New Xbox Experience, and You
Nov 19, 2008 // s-kill
It’s a good time to be a Street Fighter.
On the heels of our Capcom Store on PSN , we’re all excited that Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix will be one of the first featured games on the New Xbox Experience (cool kids call it “NXE,” which only takes like 43% as long to say).
What does this mean to you? It means SF HD Remix will have a great central hub on both XBox 360 and PSN, to give you a one-stop shop for themes, gamerpics, videos, and new DLC.
When will the Xbox “Experience” and the PSN Capcom Store feature the game for you to play, you ask? Real soon! Why it feels like it could be just a few days away =)
Hit the jump for the full press release!
SAN MATEO, CA — November 18, 2008 — Capcom®, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, is proud to announce that the much anticipated Super Street Fighter® II Turbo HD Remix for Xbox LIVE® Arcade will be one of the first games to be featured in the New Xbox® Experience with a Branded Destination Experience.
Launching tomorrow, the Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix destination experience will provide a central place for Xbox LIVE Arcade gamers to learn about new content, view the latest trailers, and access downloadable content, including picture packs, and both Basic and Premium Themes. The new Street Fighter® Premium Theme features extensive high-definition graphical layers that take over your Dashboard, presenting a fully dynamic and encompassing package for the ultimate social entertainment experience on Xbox LIVE.
“With 1080p high-definition art and graphics, and the ultimate user feature set, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix is the perfect game to compliment the New Xbox Experience,” said Christian Svensson, VP of Strategic Planning and Business Development at Capcom Entertainment Inc. “Capcom is dedicated to providing captivating content to the digital space and we’re proud to participate in this new era of Xbox LIVE.”
For a screenshot of the new Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Branded Destination Experience, visit: http://www.press.capcom.com
For more information on the New Xbox Experience, visit http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/nxe
For more information on Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, visit: http://games.capcomdigital.com/streetfighterIIhdr