See rejected World Warriors and real-life Street Fighter in these community vids
Jul 06, 2016 // Kellen Haney
Hey World Warriors! Have you been enjoying Street Fighter V’s cinematic story expansion, A Shadow Falls, over the weekend? If not, what are you waiting for? Go grab it for free off of PSN or Steam and play through the epic story that links the events of Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter III! It’s a pretty serious story, so if you’ve already played it, or while you wait on your download, we’ve got a couple of funny videos for you today from Internet Warriors we worked with over on YouTube and Facebook. Hit the jump to see!
First up is 20 Rejected Street Fighters. With every new Street Fighter, you can expect new characters – SFV brought Necalli, Rashid, Laura, and F.A.N.G, but what about characters who didn’t quite make the cut? First up is The Dominic Show explores some of these rejected – SIDE KICK – characters.
Meanwhile, Timothy DeLaGhetto gives us a more casual look at Street Fighter, with Street Fighter in Real Life . What if the World Warriors were just living day to day lives, with Ryu and Ken as roommates? Fists, hadoukens, and pizza will fly at this location !
Special thanks to Dominic and Timothy for working with us on these fantastic videos! And don’t forget – if you haven’t picked up Street Fighter V yet, the cinematic story expansion, A Shadow Falls, is available now for free!