Resident Evil voice actors attending Fright Club, plus a special offer on Umbrella items
Jan 09, 2015 // Minish Capcom
If hands-on time with Resident Evil and Revelations 2 wasn’t enough of an incentive to make it out to our LA Fright Club , then how about a special bundle of Umbrella goodies AND a chance to meet with RE voice actors?
Peter Jessop (Wesker, left) and Joe Whyte (right, Chris) lent their talents to the 2002 version of Resident Evil, meaning their voices will once again grace our ears come January 20 – the release date of the enhanced 2002 REmake.
Come by, say hi and mingle with these and other special guests!
Additionally, if you visit the RSVP site you can also pre-order a special Umbrella-themed gift pack that contains everything you see above for just $50. Individually these items ring in around $65 so if something speaks to you, pick it up!
And again, you’ll also be able to play both Resident Evil AND Revelations 2.
Hope to see you out in LA!