Next stops for the Monster Hunter Caravan Tour revealed
Mar 26, 2015 // Yuri Araujo
Heads up, doodle! Here are the next few stops for the Monster Hunter Caravan Tour!
As we already know, the very next stop is on March 28 and 29 at Six Flags Magic Mountain, in the LA area… and it coincides with the launch of the whole Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate experience at the park. More details right here .
The following stop will be on April 3-5 @ WonderCon 2015, in Anaheim, CA . It’ll be a similar setup to what we had at PAX East ( photos here) so look for the Capcom booth on the show floor map and come say hi / hunt with us.
And the stop after that is actually here at the Capcom office in San Mateo, CA on April 11th (from 10am to 5pm) . We’ll have more details on that soon and will set up an official event with RSVP so you can secure your spot.
For the tl;dr crowd, or just a quick reference:
March 28, 29 @ Six Flags Magic Mountain
April 3-5 @ WonderCon 2015
April 11 @ Capcom U.S.A. office