Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Story Trailer and Capcom E3 2019 plans revealed
Jun 04, 2019 // Yuri Araujo
E3 2019 is officially less than one week away, so it’s time to set the stage for all the exciting and fun activities you can expect from Monster Hunter World: Iceborne and Capcom this year at booth #2323 in South Hall.
Before we start, I just wanted to remind you to keep your eyes peeled for more news and updates from us as we get closer to E3. As you’ll see below, we’re leaving some stuff out… it’s really exciting stuff, but we can’t share it just yet, so stay tuned!
UPDATE: our mystery live stream for June 12th has been revealed: UpUpDownDown plays MHW: Iceborne with Ryozo Tsujimoto and Kaname Fujioka, feat. WWE® Superstars Asuka™ and Xavier Woods®. Scroll down for more info.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Story Trailer
Let’s start with Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Our newest trailer highlights the story, and starts to unveil some of the mysteries hidden beneath layers of ice and snow, while leaving us with even more questions about this new land and the mythical Velkhana.
Have you started piecing things together? Got any theories so far?

Also, how do you like the New World version of Tigrex? Feeling ready to face its relentless barrage of attacks…?
E3 2019 Demos
Well, if you’re attending E3 2019, you’ll get a chance to test your strength and skills against this fierce foe!
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is the star of our E3 booth this year, so we’re bringing a monstrous amount of multiplayer demo stations to give as many players as possible a chance to get their hands on the game. The two new main quests featured this time are “Hunt a Banbaro” and “Hunt a Tigrex,” both taking place in the expansive Hoarfrost Reach. Banbaro is a brand new monster capable of picking up a variety of elements of the environment (boulders… trees…) and bulldozing them around with attacks that change in size depending on the object. And Tigrex is just… unyielding!
They’re both forces to be reckoned with in their own right, so start brushing up on the latest Clutch Claw tech and new features revealed for every weapon type with this handy playlist:
Capcom Live Stage at E3 2019
Also at E3 this year, we’re going big with our stage and streaming activities. So whether you’re attending the show or staying home, you’ll have plenty of exclusive showings to look forward to. Here’s our latest live stage & streaming schedule (all times are PDT, Pacific Daylight Time):
Tuesday, June 11th
11:00 AM | MHW: Iceborne Developer Showcase with Ryozo Tsujimoto & Kaname Fujioka | Twitch.tv/MonsterHunter |
12:30 PM | MHW: Iceborne Demo hosted by VampyBitMe | Twitch.tv/MonsterHunter |
1:30 PM | Street Fighter League: Pro-US 2019 – Exhibition Matches | Twitch.tv/CapcomFighters |
3:30 PM | MHW: Iceborne Demo hosted by VampyBitMe | Twitch.tv/MonsterHunter |
Note: all streams will also be live on Twitch.tv/CapcomUSA
Wednesday, June 12th
10:00 AM | MHW: Iceborne Demo hosted by VampyBitMe | Twitch.tv/MonsterHunter |
11:00 AM | Street Fighter League: Pro-US 2019 – Challenge a Pro Player | Twitch.tv/CapcomFighters |
1:00 PM | UpUpDownDown plays MHW: Iceborne with Ryozo Tsujimoto and Kaname Fujioka, feat. WWE® Superstars Asuka™ and Xavier Woods® | Twitch.tv/MonsterHunter YouTube.com/UpUpDownDown |
2:30 PM | Street Fighter League: Pro-US 2019 – Exhibition Matches | Twitch.tv/CapcomFighters |
Note: all streams will also be live on Twitch.tv/CapcomUSA
Thursday, June 13th
10:00 AM | MHW: Iceborne Demo hosted by VampyBitMe | Twitch.tv/MonsterHunter |
11:00 PM | Street Fighter League: Pro-US 2019 – Exhibition Matches | Twitch.tv/CapcomFighters |
1:00 PM | MHW: Iceborne Demo hosted by VampyBitMe | Twitch.tv/MonsterHunter |
2:00 PM | Street Fighter League: Pro-US 2019 – Challenge a Pro Player | Twitch.tv/CapcomFighters |
Note: all streams will also be live on Twitch.tv/CapcomUSA
Poster Signings
As one final treat for those attending E3 2019, we’ll have poster signings with key members of the Monster Hunter and Street Fighter development teams at the end of each day. Here’s the poster signing schedule:
Tuesday, June 11th
4:30 PM | Street Fighter Yoshinori Ono, Executive Producer |
6:00 PM | Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Ryozo Tsujimoto, Producer Kaname Fujioka, Executive Director |
Wednesday, June 12th
4:30 PM | Street Fighter Yoshinori Ono, Executive Producer |
6:00 PM | Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Ryozo Tsujimoto, Producer Kaname Fujioka, Executive Director |
Thursday, June 13th
3:30 PM | Street Fighter Yoshinori Ono, Executive Producer |
5:00 PM | Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Ryozo Tsujimoto, Producer Kaname Fujioka, Executive Director |
*** U P D A T E ***
Very exciting news coming through! We’ve just announced the contents of our previously mysterious 1:00 PM live stream on Wednesday:

That’s right! WWE® Superstars Asuka™ and Xavier Woods® will be joining MHW: Iceborne Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and Executive Director Kaname Fujioka on stage for a special playthrough of our E3 quests. This is a live stream you won’t want to miss, so if you’re attending E3 2019, be sure to come to our booth early. And for the folks at home, here’s when and where you can watch it:
Wednesday, June 12th at 1:00pm PDT / 4:00pm EDT
Twitch.tv/MonsterHunter & YouTube.com/UpUpDownDown
You may have seen the WWE folks play Monster Hunter: World before already, but in case you missed it, here’s their latest video:
*** END UPDATE ***
This wraps up what we can share for now… but like I said, stay tuned for updates in the coming days (especially on June 6th for details on that mystery live stream) (See update above!) and photos from our booth (South Hall #2323) as E3 2019 kicks off on Tuesday, June 11th.
See you there!
Edited June 6th, 2019 at 10am PDT.
Brands: Monster HunterStreet Fighter