Latest DmC press coverage is a blast of praise
Nov 09, 2012 // GregaMan
Over the last few weeks, a great number of press outlets have received hands-on access to DmC Devil May Cry, and have since unleashed a flood of positive feedback on the game. I’ve rounded up some highlights for your reading and viewing pleasure.
We’ve got just over two months until the game’s launch on January 15th, but there’s still plenty to talk about until then.
Hit the jump for all that coverage.
GamesRadar – DmC: Devil May Cry hands-on – 6 ways it absolutely improves on the original series
“This is a more accessible game in the literal sense, not the dirty, casual-baiting Super Wii Party Family Sports Collection meaning of the word. Dante can still launch, juggle, evade, grapple and air-combo with just as much precision as before, and the ability to do so is still utterly demanded.”
“DmC is that ideal blend of accessibility and complexity. It wants to give you every facility to be cool and badass, but it also trusts you hold up your part of the bargain too, by putting in the creative effort.”
“Ninja Theory’s new take on Devil May Cry is determined to do justice to its Japanese lineage by remaining true to the series’ deep combat.”
“Dante gains access to a wide variety of skills that make battle a constantly thrilling experiment in creativity. Lesser-known system quirks like jump canceling have been faithfully reproduced for the hardcore crowd as well, in line with specifications and feedback from fans, as well as perceptive eyes from Capcom Japan.”
Official PlayStation Magazine UK – DmC: Devil May Cry hands-on
“. . . you can only really understand how genuine those “Just play it” sentiments were if you have played DmC.”
” Can a western developer with long-held grand artistic ambitions but so far only close-but-not-quite gameplay execution really deliver a successful follow-up to one of Japan’s most respected, complex and demanding action series? On current evidence, yes.”
GameSpot – How Ninja Theory is changing Devil May Cry
“Overall, we’re really excited about DmC’s combination of a bold, new visual direction and solidly satisfying combat mechanics.”
Plenty more coverage on the way, and once the demo is out, you’ll be able to try it out for yourself. More fun announcements to come!