Get equipped with Mega Man #1 at Free Comic Book day – or win some right here on Unity
May 04, 2012 // Minish Capcom
Whenever a major Marvel Comics movie kicks off the summer season, that means Free Comic Book Day can’t be far behind. And this year, The Avengers heralds a chance to pick up a free issue of Mega Man #1 as part of the festivities! So head out to your local shop, grab MM#1 (along with some other stuff, gotta support the local shops!) and catch up on all the awesomeness that’s going on in the printed world these days.
But if for some reason you can’t make it out tomorrow, or there’s no comic shop nearby, you can try to win the first TEN issues right here on Unity!
Synopsis for Mega Man #1:
“Let the Games Begin!” Part One: The future looks bright when brilliant and benevolent Dr. Light unveils his latest creations: the Robot Masters! But when the nefarious Dr. Wily steals them for his own sinister purposes, there is no one left to stop him; no one except Mega Man! Don’t miss the first issue of this brand new ongoing series!
This pile o’ goodness could be yours
For a chance to win the “Let The Games Begin” trade (which compiles issues 1 through 4), along with issues 5~10, simply state your favorite Robot Master (and why) in the comments below. I’ll pick one winner Monday, though anyone who says “Magnet Man” may have a better shot at victory. Kidding!
(Note: Giveaway is North America only, sorry D:)