A Message From the Capcom Store Re: Marvel Vs. Capcom 3
Feb 17, 2011 // jgonzo
The Capcom Store is a great place to find exclusive pre-order items and great deals on Capcom products. We go to a lot of effort to offer cool and unique items at fare prices that you can’t get anywhere else. We are, at heart, a fan service.
We also pride ourselves in our customer service. This past week, something that was beyond our control occurred and it affected the shipping of Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 for some of our customers. 83% of orders were unaffected and shipped out on time. Unfortunately 17% did not and on a game launch of this size, that is not insignificant. We’ve been reading your messages and listening to you on the forums.
We want to convey to you that your business is important to us and that we appreciate you as fans and as customers. With that being said, we are working on some fantastic ideas to help compensate the customers whose orders were affected by this shipping incident. The details of this will be revealed soon, but know that it will be something worthwhile.
Thanks again for shopping with the Capcom Store. Please don’t let this experience dissuade you from ordering some of the great products and pre-order bonuses that we have planned for in the future.
-The Capcom Store Team