Mea Culpa: Giant Realm covers the fate of Talisman

Nov 04, 2008 // Kramez

With great freedom, however, comes some kinda responsiblity, it would seem. We’ve occasionally been so excited by the prospects of the digital frontier that we’ve announced projects a smidgen too early (see: Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, announced April 07 — eek!). Recently, Christian let it be known that one of our other perhaps-we-should-have-held-onto-this-news-a-bit-longer titles, Talisman, was defunct as a project at Capcom. Turns out that Gus Mastrapa is a fan of the Talisman boardgame and reached out to us to get our take on what happened. Our own Adam Boyes, Capcom’s Director of Production in the US (and one of the main guys behind many of our digital titles), conducted a revealing, honest interview, which has just found a home over on Giant Realm. Check it out here.

On behalf of Capcom, I’d like to apologize to Talisman fans who have been waiting for the digital version of the game. As a company, we felt that it was better to shut down the project early, rather than to publish something that would not do the original source material justice or compromise the fun of the Talisman experience.