Cliff B. goes on bionic rampage

Jul 28, 2008 // Kramez

One of my favorite sights from E3 was Cliff B from Epic (above, bionicized), Todd Howard from Bethesda and our very own Jun Takeuchi making friends behind the curtains at the MS press conference. All three producers professed their love for the other two games, which was quite a cool moment for a gamer to witness. Cliff later came by the Capcom booth to hang out and play RE5 on his downtime; I was going to bug him to take a picture for the blog, but he looked totally content playing the game and I figured that he’d prolly had enough people bug him for pictures by the third day of the show. All bets were off, however, once he strapped on our bionic arm and began terrorizing people outside our E3 meeting space. “I’m crushing your head!”