Learn the References for All of Rebecca’s DLC Outfits
Jan 21, 2016 // Harrison Young
With Resident Evil 0 released, folks are jumping back in and getting a nice taste of that old-school survival horror action. But in every Resident Evil game, there’s a few nods to other titles hidden here and there, so we wanted to shed light on one (or four) of them. We’ve already discussed the references and homages that the two pre-order bonus costume packs had (which you can read here and here if you missed). But now that the game is out, we’d like to look at some of the additional costumes for Rebecca that are available as downloadable content, and what they all mean.
Hit the jump, and we’ll take a look at the four costumes in the order of their source of inspiration!
First, we have the S.T.A.R.S. Prototype outfit. As the name implies, this is actually the version of Rebecca that appears in the 1999 prototype version of Resident Evil 0 that we’ve been lucky enough to show you over the past couple months (and if you haven’t seen the videos yet, you can watch them here and here ). We’re digging the beret!
Second, we have the S.T.A.R.S. 1996 outfit, which comes from the very first release of Resident Evil a full 20 years ago. Rebecca’s headwear of choice at the time was a bandana, and she was wearing what looks like an ineffective bullet proof vest, but we won’t hold it against her. (Technically, the costume is based upon the in-game model of Rebecca, but we wanted an excuse to show the live-action version here.)
Third on the list is the S.T.A.R.S. 1997 outfit. This actually comes from the Director’s Cut of Resident Evil, which came out a year after the original (hence the name). When you were playing in the Arrange Mode, all the playable characters would wear new costumes, and Rebecca actually did too, donning this red-and-white look.
And finally, we have this Sportswear outfit. At first, this one seems a bit out of left field. However, it actually comes from one of Resident Evil 2’s most outlandish Easter eggs. In that game, if you, for some reason, searched Wesker’s desk…fifty times…consecutively…you would suddenly find a roll of film. You could then develop this film in the dark room, where you’d get a photo of a basketball-loving Rebecca. The implications of Wesker having this photo are something we won’t dive into, but it makes a neat costume!
These costumes are available in packs (S.T.A.R.S. Prototype and S.T.A.R.S. 1996 are a pair, as are S.T.A.R.S. 1997 and Sportswear), or you can buy a complete pack, which also includes the pre-order bonus costumes. But remember, it doesn’t matter what you dress up as, so long as you aim for the head!