Capcom Recap – March 20, 2015
Mar 21, 2015 // GregaMan
Today it is my privilege to introduce to you the Capcom Recap– a biweekly video series we’ve whipped up to shine a spotlight on Capcom news and community feats. Hit the jump to see our very first episode.
We’re lucky to have lots going on with Street Fighter, Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry, and Resident Evil, all of which have some very exhibition and community-centric elements, which are great for video highlights!
That said, we’re not limiting the Recap series to those four brands. If you’ve recently done something noteworthy, cool, or funny in any Capcom game and caught it on video, email us at recap@capcom.com with a YouTube link and a brief description explaining what’s notable about the video. Be sure to include any relevant timestamps–I don’t want to sift through a thirty-minute video for a three-second clip!
Episode Acknowledgements
Street Fighter
Monster Hunter
Resident Evil Revelations 2
- (Gestures) SleepingForestGamers
- (Jill Katana) Aiden Warren
- (Moira Katana) AllenSam85
- (Thank you so much) neildoesmakesvideos
- (Vergil Must Die Mission 2 playthrough) michellegun201
- (Gods Must Die – Hunter- No Damage) Dewi Asmawidjaja