Last Chance to Win a DuckTales Promo Kit!
Sep 11, 2013 // Chris
See what some other creative people have been doing for a chance to win a highly rare DuckTales: Remastered prize.
Just a few weeks ago, we asked you guys to do a couple of things in order to win one of those amazing DuckTales Promo Kits you’ve been seeing floating around the web.
Well, Y OU’VE STILL GOT A FEW HOURS LEFT ! So we wanted to not only showcase a couple of the winners, we wanted to show you last minute entrants what you’re up against.
First up, we asked you to Sing Along with the timeless DuckTales theme song . It’s worth pointing out that while many of you complained “Boo hoo, I can’t sing,” others with the exact same limitations did it anyway and/or got creative!
For instance, this guy also did something original and played the immortal DuckTales theme on his Melodica against a wall of classic NES games. Hey, some dude recovering from throat surgery played the song WITH HIS ARMPIT, so yeah, that excuse seems kind silly, doesn’t it?
Okay, this one’s going to be hard to top. This fella shot his Sing Along LIVE at Disneyland! You try judging a contest like this and not crowning that man a victor. Congrats on your prizes, guys.
A rtisit: Sam M
Of course, we also had an art contest running simultaneously , where we asked fans to either insert Scrooge and the gang into classic Capcom box art and/or Duckify their favorite Capcom characters.
These are outrageously amazing people, and you truly deserve your DuckTales prize. We’ve still got more winners to announce so stay tuned. Let’s see what the rest of you can put together before tomorrow, which just so happens to be when DuckTales: Remastered makes its Xbox 360 debut.