Monster Hunter: World patch update 1.05 (PS4) / (Xbox One) and an update on Xbox One matchmaking
Feb 09, 2018 // Yuri Araujo
::UPDATE:: Patch 1.06 (PS4) / (Xbox One) is now live.
Monster Hunter: World patch update version 1.05 (PS4) / (Xbox One) has now been deployed. Read more details below, as well as a status update on the Xbox One matchmaking.
Version 1.05 (PS4) / (Xbox One)
Squads (PlayStation 4)
- Fixed an issue where the error message “Failed to retrieve squad information. Please wait and try again.” would appear and squad features would not be usable. However, as a result of this fix, players who were affected by this bug will have all of their squad data reset. Additionally, players in squads whose squad leaders have their data reset will also see any affiliated data disappear the next time they log in. We apologize sincerely for the inconvenience, and ask that you reform squads or reinvite players whose data are lost.
- Fixed an issue where, rarely, uninvited non-squad members could join a Squad Online Session, or squad members could not join one of their own. Squad Online Sessions can still be joined by players outside of the squad via friend invite or Online Session ID search.
5 Million Celebration Item Pack
- Fixed an issue where some players could not claim the item pack “5 Million Celebration Item Pack”. The availability for this item pack has been extended to February 22, 23:59 (UTC).
- Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, decorations would be lost.
- Fixed an issue that occurred when selecting items with the “Sell Items” option (from the item box inside base camp tents) by hiding the decorations tab.
General Light Bowgun and Heavy Bowgun ammo changes
- Increased the power of Normal Ammo (1, 2, 3), Pierce Ammo (1, 2, 3), and all elemental ammo (except Dragon Ammo).
- Decreased the power of Slicing Ammo, and reduced the effect it has when hitting other players.
- Reduced the maximum number of Slashberries you can hold in your item pouch from 60 to 30. Players can still use any remaining extra Slashberries if they currently have more than 30 in their item pouch.
- Readjusted the Elderseal calculation for dragon pods.
Endemic Life
- Fixed an issue where information on endemic life would disappear from the Wildlife Map when moving about the field.
- Fixed an issue where the assignment “Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi” would not appear on the quest board after departing on a different quest in the middle of speaking with the Chief Botanist just before the quest is first assigned.
- Fixed a rare bug that would cause players to lose control of their characters when completing a quest with certain start menu sub-menus open.
Xbox One matchmaking
Our development team is also working tirelessly on pinpointing the issues with matchmaking on Xbox One. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your continued patience and support as we track down and solve these issues.
In the meantime, if you’re unable to use the “Matchmake” option to connect to other hunters, you may still be able to create online lobbies, join others’ lobbies via “Filter Search”, “Invite a Friend”, connect via Xbox One LFG, or join hunts by using the “Respond to SOS” feature.
And in case you haven’t tried this yet, it’s been reported that some hunters have had success using the “Matchmake” feature after setting their NAT connection settings to “Open” on their Xbox One.
Once we have more updates, we will share them here ASAP.
Brands: Monster Hunter