Ultra Street Fighter IV – Upload online matches directly to YouTube!
Jan 24, 2014 // dawgtanian
Hey everyone, David Hinds here with some new information regarding one of the new features going into Ultra Street Fighter IV!
Have you ever played a momentous match online and wished you had the ability to share it for the whole world to see? Well soon you’ll be able to do exactly that, using our direct upload to YouTube feature in Ultra Street Fighter IV!
You’ll be able to select any match from your battle log of online matches, and choose whether to upload it in low or high quality, directly to your own YouTube channel! Whether it’s the best comeback since Daigo VS Justin Wong, or perhaps you had an encounter with a pro-player you want to share, this feature is great for those who are yet to own a direct capture device, and want to show off their favorite Ultra Street Fighter IV moments!
This is just another great feature we’re adding to Ultra Street Fighter IV, and we’re not done yet… I’ll be looking forward to seeing all your uploads come June time!