Virtual Console update: GBA titles, Breath of Fire and more
Jun 09, 2014 // Minish Capcom
Wii U and 3DS owners, get ready for a big ol’ blast from Capcom’s past! FIFTEEN classic titles will arrive on both the North American and European eShops later this year, including a few that haven’t been available for quite some time. We also have news on some additional titles a bit further out with dates to be confirmed later.
So happy to announce both Demon’s Crest and Breath of Fire – two of my favorite SNES games – will find a new home on the Wii U eShop. They’ll do so alongside the highly requested Mega Man 7 and X3, both of which came out late in the SNES’ lifespan; if you missed them in the ’90s (or the 2004 collection), 2014’s your chance!
GBA games are a relatively new addition to the Wii U eShop. Happy to say Capcom has a lot to add to this service, including Mega Man Zero, Battle Network and Battle Chip Challenge. Zero 2 and Battle Network 2+3 are also planned, but they’re a bit further out. While they may not make 2014, we thought you’d like to know they’re in the works.
These have been out in Japan for a while, but today we can finally confirm Street Fighter 2010, Gargoyle’s Quest II and Mighty Final Fight are on their way to the NA/EU eShops. For NA, we can confirm these are coming to 3DS and Wii U, while currently EU can confirm Wii U (with 3DS dates TBD.)
However, Mega Man 5 and 6 will arrive on the Wii U in both regions, completing the NES series on that platform. Speaking of the Blue Bomber…
…we can confirm the Game Boy Mega Man titles will come to the EU 3DS Virtual Console later this summer, currently targeted for August. These were part of “Mega May” here in North America.
PHEW! That’s a whoppin’ 21 games coming to the Virtual Console across North America and Europe. This lineup spans decades, genres, consoles and even generations, so there’s something for everyone. Once we have solid dates we will of course make those known, but for now… maybe make some room on your SD cards :3
The confirmed 2014 list, just to make it copy/paste friendly:
North America
Breath of Fire (Wii U)
Demon’s Crest (Wii U)
Gargoyle’s Quest II (3DS, Wii U)
Mega Man 5 (Wii U)
Mega Man 6 (Wii U)
Mega Man 7 (Wii U)
Mega Man X3 (Wii U)
Mega Man Zero (Wii U)
Mega Man Battle Network (Wii U)
Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge (Wii U)
Mighty Final Fight (3DS, Wii U)
Street Fighter 2010 (3DS, Wii U)
Breath of Fire (Wii U)
Demon’s Crest (Wii U)
Gargoyle’s Quest II (Wii U)
Mega Man 5 (Wii U)
Mega Man 6 (Wii U)
Mega Man 7 (Wii U)
Mega Man II (3DS)
Mega Man III (3DS)
Mega Man IV (3DS)
Mega Man V (3DS)
Mega Man Xtreme (3DS)
Mega Man Xtreme 2 (3DS)
Mega Man X3 (Wii U)
Mega Man Zero (Wii U)
Mega Man Battle Network (Wii U)
Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge (Wii U)
Mighty Final Fight (Wii U)
Street Fighter 2010 (Wii U)
Dates TBD
Mega Man Zero 2
Mega Man Battle Network 2
Mega Man Battle Network 3