Mega Man II and III now on NA 3DS eShop
May 08, 2014 // Minish Capcom
“Mega May” continues with a double-dose of classic GB goodness! Today you can grab both Mega Man II AND Mega Man III, with even more on the way each Thursday this month.
I wrote about Mega Man II last month , but the tl;dr version is that it combines elements of the NES 2, adds new Wily content and uh, Quint!
Mega Man III follows the trend by mixing NES 3 and 4 into something new. Once you best Snake Man and his MM3 pals, you’re introduced to Punk…
…and then have to tackle MM4 bosses like Skull, Drill and Dive Man. Even if you know the NES version by heart, it’s a great re-imagining that plays with your expectations.
II and III join Mega Man Xtreme as part of “Mega May” on the North American 3DS eShop … with more to come!