Project X Zone coming to North America, Capcom characters in tow
Jan 21, 2013 // Minish Capcom
Good news! Namco-Bandai’s insanely cool 3DS crossover title, Project X Zone, is indeed leaving Japan and coming Stateside this summer! As many of you know, it’s a strategy RPG featuring a massive assortment of characters pulled from 29 classic franchises, including Darkstalkers, Street Fighter, Mega Man and more!
Capcom, Sega and Namco fans will obviously have a lot of references to chew on, but SRPG fans should also get a kick out of all the over-the-top crossover attacks and gorgeous battlegrounds.
As someone who adores well-animated sprites and SRPGs, this one’s been on my radar since it landed in Japan late last year. Very happy to see it come over!