12 new characters revealed for Vita version of Street Fighter X Tekken, more 25th anniversary details
Feb 21, 2012 // Minish Capcom
Last week we released the final four characters “playable at launch” for Street Fighter X Tekken. Today we can elaborate on the quoted distinction by revealing 12 new characters for the PlayStation Vita version of the game. Guy, Cody, Dudley, Elena, Sakura and Blanka join the Street Fighter cast, while the Tekken side gains Alisa Bosconovitch, Bryan Fury, Christie Monteiro, Jack, Lars Alexandersson and Lei Wulong.
The Vita version is set to arrive later this year. That’s quite an updated roster, and I’m personally happy to see Blanka, Sakura and Bryan Fury make the cut.
This news comes alongside a reminder that the console version of SFxT will receive new features and DLC over the months. Most importantly, the game you buy on March 6 will be the only disc-based version of Street Fighter X Tekken needed to access these updates.
As for the 25th anniversary, we already mentioned tournaments would play a large role in the celebration of Street Fighter’s quarter-century birthday. Now we can say we’re working on a series of tournaments that’ll take place throughout the year and end with grand finals in December 2012. This series will be home to $500,000 worth of prizing and feature not only Street Fighter X Tekken, but also classic games from the past.
I know this is big blast of info to digest and there are natural follow-up questions to just about every paragraph, but I promise we’ll have further info soon. Exciting, to say the least!