From the Voices of Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
Nov 07, 2024 // David Poole
Hear what the brand new voice actors for Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster have to say about being part of this zombie survival classic!
Dead Rising has been resurrected with a brand new look and feel in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, and part of that revival comes with a brand new voice cast to recite classic lines while also adding brand new dialogue. With the physical launch of Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster tomorrow, we’ve gathered comments from many of the actors that you’ll hear in the game, some of whom you may have heard before in other Capcom titles. Check them out below!

JAS PATRICK – Voice of Frank West
I’ve been a lifelong gamer and video games have always been a huge part of my life. My favorite moments in voice acting have been video games and anime and cartoons. But video games hold a special place in my life. When I was cast for Frank, I didn’t know it was for Frank or Dead Rising.
When I got the email saying “congratulations!” I went back to look for the audition I did. I read over what few lines there were to try to get an idea of what the game was like or what it could be—at least the style of the game, you know? I had no clue. The characters and situations and enemies had all been changed–it wasn’t about zombies, it was about aliens and so forth.
I thought to myself a day before going in to record: “You know what would be cool..? If this turns out to be like Dead Rising!” A funny, fun game that didn’t take itself too seriously and had a lot of subtle and not so subtle humor—I told my wife the same thing.
The day of the recording session came and I was doing the normal “what in the world is this going to be like?” type of thinking and I met the director in the foyer. He asked me if I knew Dead Rising. I said something along the lines of: “Oh heck yeah, it’s awesome! I love Dead Rising!” The director smiled and said something like: “Oh good! We don’t have to tell you what it’s about then. We’re doing a remaster of DR1 and you’re voicing Frank West.”
My jaw hit the floor and I kind of half sat–half fell into a couch seat and said under my breath: “holy sh…” Then I jumped up and shook the director’s hand and kinda half hugged him and was jabbering “thank you,” and “holy cow,” and “omg,” and “that’s awesome,” “really?!” etc. The director got quite a kick out of my reactions cause he kinda chuckled at me and then two minutes later, I was recording the opening helicopter scene as Frank West.
I’m STILL in shock and disbelief… I’ve played Capcom games since I was a little boy and not even in school yet!! And Frank was and is one of their greatest characters (in my very humble opinion). I’m beyond honored and beyond ecstatic to voice such an amazing, amazingly funny and just all around interesting and fun legacy character. It’s an honest to God thrill of my lifetime.
I could not be happier to be a part of this great franchise. I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I do!

XANTHE HUYNH – Voice of Jessie McCarney (also Chichae in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak)
Working on Dead Rising as Jessie was a fun challenge because my performance had to be read as close to the original dub as possible. Not only did we listen to a lot of the original reads for tone and performance, but I also had to match timing as well. I hope that new and old fans of the game will be able to enjoy the work we’ve put into the remaster!

WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER STEPHENS – Voice of Brad (also Lorenzo in Exoprimal)
First of all, I’d like to thank Capcom for giving me the opportunity to be a part of another epic game release. Taking on the role of Brad, first voiced by the incredibly talented TJ Storm, is an honor for me. Working on the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster version for me was like shooting a great film and getting a chance to watch all the dallies from beginning to end. I hope the fans have as much fun playing it as I did acting in it. Keep cranking out the classics, Capcom! Can’t wait to see what’s next!

LUIS BERMUDEZ – Voice of Carlito Keyes (also Blanka in Street Fighter 6)
Welcome, my friends…to hell!
What can I say about Carlito? He’s a mad avenger. A tortured, haunted soul. A loving brother. And extremely annoying with a sniper rifle.
It is an incredible honor to step into this role, in this legendary franchise, in the revolutionary title that started it all. And I am immensely grateful to Capcom… and to all of you for loving this series, and this game specifically, so ferociously that nearly two decades later we all get to relive one of the greatest stories ever told in the medium.
Alex Fernandez left me big, stylish shoes to fill. I hope that I honored his monumental performance, and your cherished memories of it.

FRANK TODARO – Voice of Russell Barnaby
It is always an honor getting to work on any project, but having been a fan of the original Dead Rising personally, this was that and then-some! Every session was an absolute blast, filled with pop-culture short-hand and loads of laughter, even when inundated by the walking undead. With all the fun you are about to have playing this thing, trust me when I say we had even more recording it. Thank you to everyone at every level for having me, and for making all the magic happen!

TIANA CAMACHO – Voice of Isabela Keyes (also Lily in Street Fighter 6)
I love Isabella. She’s so intelligent and cool and to be given the honor to portray her is wonderful. I am honored to be such an iconic character in such a beloved title.

DAVID McKAHAN – Voice of Steven Chapman
My… Customers!
Voicing Steven was an absolute blast. As a longtime fan of Dead Rising it was very special to me that I was able to bring his (psychotic) character to life for the Deluxe Remaster. I hope you all love the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster as much as Stephen loves his store!!!

KEVIN ANDREW RIVERA – Voice of Adam Macintyre
Voicing Adam Macintyre the Psychotic Clown in Dead Rising has been an incredibly wild experience. Bringing such a unique and memorable character to life has been both challenging and rewarding. Adam is such a zany character, but at the end of the day, he doesn’t “clown” around. (I’ll see myself out.) I’m grateful for the opportunity to contribute to a game that has captivated so many fans. It’s a true honor to be part of the Dead Rising universe.
Look forward to these vocal performances and more when you play the game! Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is available now digitally for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam. Those that prefer a physical copy can pick it up on PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X when it launches tomorrow on November 8, 2024!
Brands: Dead Rising