Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Transmits 10 Classic Games to Modern Platforms in 2023!
Jun 28, 2022 // Kellen Haney
Get your PErsonal Terminal ready – Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection is on the way, bringing ten .EXEllent adventures to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PC in 2023!
You read that right – ten adventures featuring Lan Hikari and MegaMan.EXE are on the way, including:
- Mega Man™ Battle Network
- Mega Man™ Battle Network 2
- Mega Man™ Battle Network 3 White
- Mega Man™ Battle Network 3 Blue
- Mega Man™ Battle Network 4 Red Sun
- Mega Man™ Battle Network 4 Blue Moon
- Mega Man™ Battle Network 5 Team Protoman
- Mega Man™ Battle Network 5 Team Colonel
- Mega Man™ Battle Network 6 Cybeast Gregar
- Mega Man™ Battle Network 6 Cybeast Falzar

For Netizens not in the know, the world of Mega Man Battle Network is set against the backdrop of Net Society. In this near-future world, everything is connected, from home electronics to ovens to the infrastructure of entire cities! It’s up to programs known as Network Navigators – or NetNavis, for short – to access the Internet via a device called a PET, or PErsonal Terminal (Bet some of you thought that was a typo earlier, didn’t you?). Thanks to the power of PETs, humans and NetNavis can easily communicate with one another, and people can bring their NetNavi with them wherever they go.

It’s in this near-future world that you’ll join Lan Hikari and his NetNavi, MegaMan.EXE. With viruses running rampant on the Internet and a mysterious organization known as WWW – or World Three – looming in the shadows, it’s up to Lan and MegaMan to untangle a web of mysterious events that threaten to delete peaceful Net Society!
Fortunately, busting viruses is MegaMan’s specialty. Using a unique battle system that mixes action and card games, battles are handled with a mix of grid-based movement and by using battle chips that are randomly drawn from your deck. MegaMan will always have his trusty Mega Buster at the ready, but the right Battle Chip in between rounds can make all the difference! Need to do a lot of damage to a single target? The Cannon chip has got your back. Want to get up close and personal, but the single-tile Sword won’t cut it? Use an Area Grab to claim more of the field, then move in to delete viruses in a flash! As time goes on, you’ll be able to make powerful combinations that can help you defeat even the most sinister foes and earn greater rewards along the way.

While MegaMan.EXE is distinctly different from some of his similarly-named predecessors, he still has plenty of ways to power up. Different games will offer different forms, allowing MegaMan to take on elemental properties, bond with other NetNavis to unlock new capabilities, or explore the darker side of the Internet. Meanwhile, Lan will have his own tasks to handle including investigating cybercrimes, forging new bonds with his friends, and even learning more about himself and the true nature of what MegaMan is capable of.
In addition to the ten games above, Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection also features optional high-resolution filters that allow PET owners to enjoy smooth visuals or revisit the original pixel art that helped define the style of the original games. Plus, over 1,000 pieces of art are included in the Gallery, spanning concept art, character sketches, and official illustrations. The additional “Mystery Data” section also includes unique illustrations and images of licensed goods, and the Music Player offers over 180 tunes for you to rock out to when you and your NetNavi aren’t busy exploring Cyberspace.

That’s all we’ve got for now, but be sure to log on and direct your personal NetNavi towards the official Mega Man Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram on – where else? – the Internet for all the latest info on Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection, coming to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PC in 2023!
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