Mega Man Legacy Collection art contest winners revealed
Aug 21, 2015 // GregaMan
Last month, we began an Art Contest wherein we challenged you to submit your best reimaginings of the box art for Mega Man 1-6 in commemoration of the imminently launching Mega Man Legacy Collection. Y’all were all too eager to deliver, making this contest a true joy–and challenge–to judge. Nevertheless, we have emerged with our six winners, whom you can confirm after the jump!!
Submitted by: KaitlinEXE
Comment from MMLC Producer Rey Jimenez:
“I really love this one. It fits very well with the established Mega Man art style. Also, having the Robot Masters interact with the white bars and go in front of them is a really nice touch. Gives the whole piece depth.”
Comment from Rockman Unity’s Ucchy:
“Ah, the ‘Bad Box Art Mega Man,’ or as he’s fondly(?) dubbed in Japan, Ossan (old fart) Mega Man. Perhaps I’m treading recklessly, but I couldn’t help but go for this one. Given how this piece is designed I feel like it’s fair game. Still though, where the heck is this supposed to be (what with the palm trees)?”
Submitted by: DanRoot
Comment from MMLC Producer Kazuhiro Tsuchiya:
“You’ve Minecraft-ified the world of Mega Man and done a splendid job of it. The artwork makes the viewer feel like this kind of game actually exists.”
Comment from Rockman Unity’s Ucchy:
“This is a fun piece that makes you want to look around for who is where, and makes you wonder if the 2D world of Mega Man would actually look something like this. Seeing the Mecha Dragon from straight on also feels fresh.”
Submitted by: Hanzo
Comment from MMLC Producer Kazuhiro Tsuchiya:
“This is a really polished piece of art! From the fierce enemies reflected in his buster to Mega Man’s distinct expression, this piece really tells a story and feels pulled straight out of a high-octane action scene.”
Comment from Rockman Unity’s Ucchy:
“This is just plain good! It’s really cool! There’s a great dynamism to Mega Man and Rush’s expressions, too. Really great.”
Submitted by: Dustin Wilkinson
Comment from MMLC Producer Kazuhiro Tsuchiya:
“This feels like it could be turned into an NES box as-is! And yet, the detailed touches applied to Mega Man and Proto Man also give it a fresh feeling.”
Submitted by: David B
Comment from MMLC Producer Kazuhiro Tsuchiya:
“This is a really powerful piece; its liberal use of black really makes the images pop. The layout and use of colors feels a bit like an old movie poster, which appeals to me personally.”
Comment from Rockman Unity’s Ucchy:
“Taking 6’s theme of robots vying for the title of supreme fighting robot and turning it into a NES-style package is a really great concept! Personally, I found it amusing that everyone is depicted very coolly here except for Eddy, who’s making a derpface.”
Congrats to all winners! You will be contacted within the day about your prizes.