Calling all Claires for New York Comic Con
Oct 07, 2014 // Minish Capcom
We’re heading to New York Comic-Con, and if you’re doing the same we encourage you to swing by 1) Our booth to play our latest lineup of titles INCLUDING Resident Evil Revelations 2, and 2) Our Friday Resident Evil panel to hear about Revelations 2 from producer Michiteru Okabe!
And since Claire Redfield is back in the spotlight, we’d love to see any and all Claire cosplayers join us and Okabe-san during the RE panel. Swing by Room 1A24 by 7:15pm Friday to see the panel, or just pop by the Capcom booth to show off your RE cosplay skills.
Naturally any RE (or Capcom!) cosplay brightens up any convention, but we’re hoping to see some great Claires to share on Capcom Unity and our RE channels across the web.
Hope to see you there!