Hefty Dead Rising 3 update improves stability, UI, and more
Jan 20, 2014 // GregaMan
::UPDATE:: The Xbox Wire blog now includes a full list of changes offered by the update. Hit the jump to see. You may have already discovered that Capcom Vancouver has released a hefty title update for Dead Rising 3 today (about 13GB), but you may still be wondering what’s in it. Well, to address your curiosity, the good folks at Microsoft have sent out an informative email that should be making the media rounds soon, along with a great interview with the game’s producer, Josh Bridge, over on Xbox Wire . The update will introduce a variety of improvements to the game, including performance and stability upgrades, fixes for issues related to achievements, UI, SmartGlass, blueprints, and more. They’ve also added a new “impulse trigger” feature that notifies players when they are running low on ammo, and made it easier to pick up objects lying in a clump of other objects. Fire up your Xbox One today so your game is ready in time for the release of Operation Broken Eagle tomorrow! Update List: