Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies DLC gets a release date, price and new screens
Nov 13, 2013 // Chris
Next week ‘Turnabout Reclaimed’ will take the Wright Anything Agency to an unusual crime scene…
Dual Destinies is out on the 3DS eShop right now and you guys seem to be almost unanimously digging it, yet there’s one question that as loomed large over Phoenix Wright’s head… “HOLD IT! When is ‘Turnabout Reclaimed’, PW:AA-Dual Destinies’ bonus DLC episode, coming out?” Welp, today there’s been a break in the case.
Thursday, November 21st
In just two weeks, the Wright Anything Agency will head to the Shipshape Aquarium and meet new client Sasha Buckler and the accused killer… whale.
Oh, poor Orla… What fate will befall this adorable, mustachioed sea mammal, a creature so synonymous with murder its implied in the name of the entire species?! Phoenix Wright will have to find out for his own bit of redemption, since ‘Turnabout Reclaimed’ tells the story of Fennie’s first case after reclaiming his attorney badge.
Pearl Fey will be there to lend a hand
So fire up that 3DS on November 21st and grab this brand new, full-length for just €4.99 / $5.99 / £3.99. See more aquatic screenshots of the case here or head here for more official Ace Attorney info.