5 Awesome Things in the 1st Hour of Okami HD
Oct 27, 2012 // Chris
Okami is a huge game. So we here at Capcom Unity decided to all sit down and pick something uniquely wonderful about the first hour of Okami HD, the newly remastered classic coming to PSN on October 30th.
We’d like to hear you favorite Okami moments too, so we’ve invited you guys to respond to the YouTube video. Do it! You might win something and/or get your face featured here on Unity.
We’ve kicked off a bunch of other Amateras-tastic stuff this week in honor of Okami HD’s debut on PlayStation Network next week, so if you haven’t seen ’em yet, definitely peep our feature on the Top 10 Capcom Canines , Our Favorite Amaterasu Fan Art , and we’re giving out prizes to folks who upload the best Amaterasu Marvel vs. Capcom Combo . Look for Okami HD on PSN on October 30th.