Farewell, Capcom-Unity
Nov 18, 2011 // Snow
Hello, Capcom-Unity. Today is my last day here at Capcom, and I’m writing all of you here to say goodbye. In the 3 years I’ve been at Capcom I’ve had a lot of fun, and experienced much that most others would not have ever had the chance to. I’m thankful to feel like I’ve learned valuable things that will help me in life. It’s time to take what I’ve learned and move on with pursing the things that bring happiness to me.
All of you have really made this job more than just “work” to me. I feel privileged to have been a part of this community with you. I’ve had the opportunity to meet many of you in person, or online in some digital shape or form. Overall, you have been friends and family that I’ve shared many experiences with during my time here at Capcom. I can’t thank you all enough for the help in growing this community to be something more than just a corporate video game site.
Keep making this place awesome! Whether you realize it or not, your voices do matter, even though it might not seem like it. This community plays a huge role at Capcom. You fans here on Capcom-Unity have and are changing the way the company views the games Capcom makes.
I realize this is short. But, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone, and farewell. Keep the community here a warm and welcoming place. Remember to play nice, and help each other out. That’s what friends and communities are for!
Take care, and see you around.