Shacknews Interviews Super Street Fighter IV’s Yoshinori Ono
Mar 17, 2010 // jgonzo
How can we reveal a huge (literally and figuratively) character like Hakan and not have SSFIV producer Yoshinori Ono have a say? Shacknews ‘ Brian Leahy and Kotaku’s Brian Crecente remedied that by sitting down and interviewing Ono-san about all the wonderful things related to Super Street Fighter IV, such as the inspiration for Hakan:
Shack : What was the inspriration for Hakan?
Yoshinori Ono: So basically with the original game, Street Fighter IV, we wanted to get a very, Street Fighter-ish, off-the-beaten-path, wacky character. We came close with Rufus, but wanted something a little crazier and wackier [in Super Street Fighter IV].
We started looking into different unusual fighting styles and we settled upon Turkish oil wrestling, which has never been done before. It’s unfamiliar to people so we could add a taste of humor.
Check out the full article for more SSFIV and Ono-san goodness!