Zero Punctuation Reviews Umbrella Chronicles (NSFW
Jan 31, 2008 // Lost
Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw has revolutionized the art of game reviews. Long worded, big blocks of text? So 90s. Video review? So early 2000s. The best game reviews on the Internets may just be the ones done by Yahtzee each week with DIY Flash animations. Each week Yahtzee’s reviews combines just the right amount of quick-wit, stick figure animations, and a machinegun-like narration style. Best of all, he’s never one to mince words. This week, however, to both our horror and joy, he’s putting our own Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles under his microscope. Luckily, he actually kinda liked it in his own special way. Check it out by clicking on the image above, but be warned that it’s NSFW (not safe for work) and definitely intended for an M-rated audience only.