Your first look at DuckTales: Remastered’s African Mines level
Jul 31, 2013 // Chris
Get ready to go underground as Scrooge heads deep inside the African Mines in search of the Giant Diamond of Inner Earth!
Having already given you a sneak peek at The Amazon , Transylvania , and the Himalayas , we’ve officially crossed the halfway point in terms of advance looks at the Wayforward’s gorgeously reimagined levels in DuckTales: Remastered. Today, Launchpad McQuack takes you even deeper with your first look at The African Mines stage!
As you can see from the trailer above, there’s clearly trouble bubbling beneath the planet’s surface, but it’s not like that’s gonna stop Scrooge McDuck in his mine cart-riding, Merduck pogoing pursuit of the Giant Diamond of Inner Earth. Let’s hope the King of Terra Firmie doesn’t have anything to say about that…
C lick here to see more DuckTales: Remastered character art
You can head here to see more screenshots from today’s stage, as well as character art of the enemies you’ll come upon in African Mines. DuckTales: Remastered launches starting on August 13th (more release date info here .) I wonder what level will be revealed next…