You won’t believe what Dead Rising 3 won in Bloody Disgusting’s Fear Awards
Feb 10, 2014 // Chris
We’ll give you a hint: It’s probably not “Feel Good Game of the Year”
Congrats to Dead Rising 3 on its victory in Bloody Disgusting’s 2013 Fear Awards ! As you many of you may’ve already seen/guessed, Capcom’s next-gen journey through post-apocalyptic weapon crafting took 1st Place in the “Best Arsenal” category, as voted on by Bloody Disgusting’s readers .
DR 3 also placed 3rd in the “Best Gory” category, which is no small feat when you’re competing against other fine titles in the horror genre like Last of Us, Outlast, Dead Space 3, DayZ, The Walking Dead, Amnesia, and MY GOD THIS GENRE IS CROWDED. Whatever, it’s an honor just to be nominated. See the rest of the awards here .