You Should Pay Attention to Dragon’s Dogma – Here’s Why
Mar 21, 2012 // GregaMan
As a fully open-world game set in a Western-style high fantasy universe, Dragon’s Dogma covers a lot of new territory for Capcom. Not to mention the fact that it’s a brand new IP. With that in mind, it can be a bit difficult to explain the game in concise terms. I’ve found in my time with the game that it really speaks best for itself, and that one or two unassuming hours spent with it are likely to lead to several dozen more. That’s exactly what happened the first time I dipped my toes in.
Well, evidently UK’s Official Xbox Magazine (OXM) agrees with me. The following OXM video exclusive (after the jump) explains with a delightfully light-hearted narration why you should be paying attention to Dragon’s Dogma and how it just might be one of the most enthralling and brilliant gaming experiences you’ve had in some time.
Additionally, you can catch more Dragon’s Dogma footage on X-Play’s special segment tonight at 6:30pm ET (3:30pm PT).
For more of that Dogmatic goodness, check out the official site and the Facebook page .