You guys sure have a lot of DuckTales stuff
Aug 31, 2013 // Chris
We asked you to show us your DuckTales stuff, you showed us your DuckTales stuff! Now we’re showing everyone else that you showed us your DuckTales stuff! (Fo’ sho!)
Remember that time a couple of weeks ago where we asked you to show us your DuckTales stuff ? Well, we promised to ship one of several dozen antique DuckTales figures to each and every person who went and rooted through their old collections, attics, toy boxes, etc., in order to scare up any and all DuckTales merchandise of yore.
Florian either preserved some of the greatest Gen 1 Nintendo games of all time or saved the image from one amazing eBay auction
These pictures are the result, and WOO-HOO, it’s pretty much one of the greatest nostalgic journey’s Capcom Unity ever embarked upon! Click right on in to our massive gallery of retro DuckTalesery to see ‘em all right now .
Heckuva collection from Jesse
Seriously, it looks as if I’m not even close to the only one who’s hung onto my DuckTales stuff for the last two decades. Many of you came to the table and showed a lifetime worth of love for Scrooge McDuck and the gang.
PAL version of D-Tales and a McDonalds toy from Hawkeye
As promised, we shipped out DuckTales figures until we ran completely out, so if you didn’t get one, sorry. We sent them out on a first-come-first-serve basis, but you could maybe barter with some of the lucky people (who filled out their address fields correctly) for one of theirs in this forum appreciation thread !
H and-made Beagle Girl shirt from Matthew
Of course, there’s very little reason to be a sore loser. After all, we are giving out at least one ultra-rad DuckTales: Remastered Promo Kit , complete with certificate of authenticity and NES, every day until Sept. 11th. There’s more than one way to grab one, including a couple of surprises… (PAX Prime attendees might want to follow us on Twitter ASAP.)
Custom Gizmoduck action figure by DRG4
Either way, seeing this much love for DuckTales resurfacing after all these dormant years is enough to bring a tear to my eyes. Good thing each and every one of you can go and grab DuckTales: Remastered right now on Steam, PlayStation 3, and the Wii U eShop. See more DuckTales: Remastered here .
“Unearthed my Gameboy for the first time in probably 15 years only to find the game I played the most STILL in it…” – Derek