You Can Now Pre-Order Street Fighter X Tekken for PC
Apr 23, 2012 // GregaMan
Those of you who’ve been eagerly awaiting Street Fighter X Tekken on the PC can feed your inner hype-monster a little bit today, as several online outlets have begun taking pre-orders for the game. Place your order from any of the following sites:
GameStop [Link coming soon. Will update shortly]
We know there are a lot of questions about the PC version of the game, and we’ve prepared some answers to the most likely ones after the jump. Got a question you don’t see here? Take it to this thread in Ask Capcom. We willl be compiling an FAQ from the questions raised in that thread.
Q: What’s different from the console versions?
A: Basically nothing in terms of content, beyond the PC specific things we’ve added (support for different resolutions, full screen mode, keyboard support, a benchmark tool, etc.).
Q: How will it run on my rig (min specs/recommended specs)?
Minspec (at 800×600 resolution @ 30FPS):
- OS: Windows XP
- HDD: 10GB of free space (or more)
- CPU: Intel Dual Core 1.8GHz (or higher) or AMD Athlon II X2 (or higher)
- RAM: 1GB (or higher)
- Video Card:
- DirectX 9.0c/Shader3.0 or higher compatible
- nVidia GF6600 (or higher) or ATi X1600 (or higher) with 256MB of RAM
- Sound: DirectSound compatible, DirectX 9.0c (or higher) compatible
- Input Devices: Mouse, Keyboard
Recommended (at 1280×720 resolution @ 60FPS):
- OS: Windows Vista
- HDD: 10GB of free space (or more)
- CPU: Intel Core2 Duo 2.60GHz (or higher) or AMD Phenom II X2 (or higher)
- RAM: 2GB (or more)
- Video Card:
- DirectX 9.0c/Shader3.0 or higher compatible
- nVidia GF8800 (or higher)
- Sound: DirectSound compatible, DirectX 9.0c (or higher) compatible
- Input Devices: Gamepad (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows recommended)
Q: Are there any special DirectX10/DirectX11 upgrades that make it different from the console version?
A: Nope.
Q: How will DLC work? Will it be “on the disc?” What’s the schedule that DLC will be rolled out by? Will all of the console DLC make it to PC?
A: DLC will not be distributed on the disc. Patches will be distributed that will add the content for all users as we finalize it on PC. The content will be patched in to everyone for free, but the paid stuff will initially be locked. In order to use it, you will have to purchase an unlock key.
Q: What sort of DRM is there and what are the limitations when I’m playing offline (if any)?
A: GFWL copy protection / online key activation (one time). No DRM beyond that.
Q: What are the options? What resolutions does it run at? How high does it go?
A: It supports all the same resolutions as SSFIV:AE PC. ::UPDATE:: There is reportedly no high resolution limit. The lowest res is 640×480, but the game has unlocked aspect ratios.
Q: Is there a benchmark like the other games? Are its results used in the match making process?
A: Yes, and yes.
Q: Does it support Stereoscopic 3D like prior games? If so, what type (presumably Nvidia 3D Vision)?
A: Yes, it supports NVidia 3D vision.
Q: What controllers will it support as compared to past games? What’s changed/improved on that front from SSFIV:AE PC?
A: We support all the controllers SSFIV:AE PC supported, plus about a billion more J In general, controller support should be vastly improved from previous products.
Q: Is there a physical disc release? (in North/South America, no… in Europe, yes).
A: Only in Europe, and in some parts of Asia.