Year 200X: video game metal from Michigan
Jan 14, 2010 // Kramez
A quick lap around the internets has revealed unto me — and hence, you — that Year 200X is none other than the finest heavy metal video game music cover band in all of Lansing, MI. They’ve been playing together since 2006, and released a 13 song shredfest in 2008 called We Are Error that contains their epic rock power takes on theme songs from Duck Tales, Contra, Mega Man 2 and 3, Ghosts ‘n Goblins and more. Their website is better than 90% of band websites that I visit, with tons of info on the band, YouTube videos of their live performances in various arcades and nerdfests, a functional store, and more. They’ve got some awesome IP-infringing shirts as well , which you should take a gander at before the Capcom lawyers sue them out of exisitence now that we are aware of them. I kid! Sorta.