X-Play vs. Capcom: EVO 2010 Show Debuts Tomorrow Night!
Jul 20, 2010 // s-kill
Tell your friends, tell your enemies, and their mommas too: X-Play’s special show all about Capcom and EVO 2010 airs tomorrow night!
I haven’t seen the show yet, so I’ll be watching with everyone else, but in addition to the hot fights, you’ll find interviews with Capcom producers, EVO champs (and the bitterly defeated!), some history on the event, and what’s sure to be tons of amazing footage of Street Fighters getting hype.
The show is listed as ” X-Play vs. Capcom: EVO 2010 World Fighting Finals .” Check your local listings to be sure, but it’s scheduled to premier Tuesday, July 20 @ 6:30pm EST (that’s tomorrow!). I’ll be watching with my friends–I want to show the world this is exactly the kind of thing we want to see more of!
If you can’t watch it live, DVR that sucker, look for it on OnDemand, or catch a later showing that same day or next week. Here are the other scheduled air times (all times in Eastern, so if you’re in California like me, subtract 3 hours!):
Premier: 7/20 6:30pm
Encore: 7/20 8pm
Re Air: 7/20 2am
Re Air: 7/21 1pm
Re Air: 7/28 1pm
Re Air: 7/30 6:30pm