X-ism Interviews Seth Killian…Wait, What’s This About Ingrid?
Apr 19, 2010 // jgonzo
X-ism’s Mike “Evorlgeb” Belgrove recently caught up with our fighting guru Seth Killian (I can’t imagine where, s-kill’s been hopping all over the place lately) to talk about Lost Planet 2….just kidding, it was about Super Street Fighter IV!
There are more details about balancing and Seth’s history, but of particular note, is their discussion about the lack of Ingrid in SSFIV:
Mike: Lastly, let’s stop the fan bickering and confusion right now. As far as your concerned is Ingrid truly Street Fighter character? Because of the way she was introduced and the version of Street Fighter Alpha 3 she was in, people feel she does not belong. Please clear this up so fans know whether or not to complain about her not being included in Super Street Fighter IV. 😉
Seth: Full disclosure: I’m a friend of Ingrid’s creator (who also snuck a few of her concepts into Yattaman #2 in Tatsunoko Vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars), so I might be biased. That said, while I’m not sure about her future, I do think her inclusion in Capcom Fighting Evolution cemented her place in the official Street Fighter canon.
There you have it! You can check out the full interview here .