Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 on XBL Today!

Jun 11, 2008 // s-kill

So the long-awaited Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 is out TODAY on Xbox Live. The game is a lot of old-school run+gun fun, and you can see the latest Commando 3 screens from CAPTIVATE08, watch some video here , and fall in love all over again.

That much is simple, but unfortunately there’s also a bit of confusion swirling around the details about the Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Beta (that you get free!). Let me try and clear this up.

To play the SSF2T HD Remix Beta, here’s what you do:

1) Buy Commando 3 on XBL. Play it, love it.

2) In the Commando 3 menu, you’ll notice an option for “Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Beta” (insert long name joke here). If you hit that option, you’ll get an error. Why is this? Because the SSF2T HD Remix Beta isn’t live until June 25th .

3) If you hit the Beta menu option on or after June 25th , 2008, you’ll be taken to an XBL blade offering to let you download the new SSF2T HD Remix Beta.

4) Download the Beta, and then you can find it your “Games Library” under “Demos.”

5) Start it up and commence dragon-punchery.

And also, just to be clear, the SSF2T HD Remix Beta does not come with Commando 3 on PSN. Unfortunately the Beta is only available with Commando 3 on XBox Live, although the network improvements that we make post-Beta will improve the final, full product on XBL and PSN alike.

*Since I gots no photoshopping skills, I have shamelessly stolen this picture from gamemanx.com .