Win DuckTales: Remastered and a signed poster
Jan 06, 2014 // Chris
Share your favorite DuckTales memory and we’ll send you a copy of the game on the platform of your choice.
We’ve had a ton of DuckTales contests here so I wanna make this one as simple as humanly possible. Did any of you get the game this Christmas? ( FYI – DuckTales: Remastered is only $6 on Steam for the next 24 hours! ) Watch the show back in day? Meet Launchpad McQuack at the Disney Afternoon Alley ?
What’s not to like?!
TO WIN : Share your favorite DuckTales memory, either in-game or out, in the comments below for a chance to win this amazing game and poster signed by those beautiful folks at WayForward who brought the game to life (hear from them directly in our series of behind-the-scenes Duckumentaries .) Contest ends Sunday, Jan. 12th 10AM Pacific Time. Click here for the legal, Crackshell!
REMINDER: DuckTales: Remastered is OUT NOW on XBLA, PSN, Steam, the Wii U eShop and retail stores across North America. Oh, and if you want something even cooler, look for the Target-exclusive DuckTales: Remastered edition and get a free Scrooge pin . More DuckTales everything here .