Win big this weekend: SF25th Grand Finals’ giveaways and raffles!
Dec 07, 2012 // haunts
Even if you’re not competing in the tournament at the SF25th Grand Finals this weekend, you can still win big with all of the giveaways and raffles that have been lined up by our awesome sponsors! Most of these contests just require you to have a Twitter or Instagram account so if you don’t have one already go ahead and sign up.
Hit the jump for details on all the contests and raffles, not to mention how to save big money on joysticks and pads from Mad Catz!
Asus has teamed up with Mad Catz, Falcon Northwest and of course Capcom to bring you the ultimate prize package you’ll never forget. All you have to do is send a tweet to @ASUSUSA with your fondest Street Fighter memory to qualify!
AVerMedia is giving away three Game Capture HD units and all you have to do is follow us and send a tweet for a chance to win!
1. Follow AVerMediaGZ and CapcomFighters on Twitter
2. Tweet: “ @AVerMediaGZ @CapcomFighters #SF25 – I want to win AVerMedia Game Capture HD! “
Recording your Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii gaming triumphs is now much easier! If the living room is your war field, all you need is your video game console, TV set and the Game Capture HD. The Game Capture HD is a standalone HD video capture box which allows users to record PS3 or Xbox 360 HD gameplays to an internal or external hard drive without a PC. Installation is easy. Just connect the Game Capture HD to your game console with Component cables, and there you go! With one click, the Game Capture HD can capture and preview live game footage in 1080p resolution (with firmware 3.0.6 or above). When you’re gaming or playing back your recordings, you can also capture the precious moment in an image file freely. You have the right to decide where to save the recordings or screenshots. Besides, all your recordings and screenshots can be moved between the connected hard drives for portability and sharing.
Kineda is giving away one of each of the Street Fighter Hyper Collection World Warrior series of Tshirts!
How to win:
1. Take a picture of you doing your favorite Street Fighter move.
2. Add hashtag #SF25
3. Submit at www.kineda.com/sf25
PrototypeZ is giving away two super-sick Street Fighter statues! Both a fully assembled Sagat and Evil Ryu! Check out how to win below:
1. Follow @Protostudios and @CapcomFighters
2. Tweet: “@Protostudios @CapcomFighters I’m watching #SF25 and want [player of choice] to win [name of game]! www.twitch.tv/capcomfighters”
Two lucky contestants will come away with:
1 Sagat fully assembled $224.99 ( retail price) plus $100 for the build up service ( unpainted) Total $324.99
1 Ryu Fully assembled $199.99 plus $100 built up service ( total of $299.99)
To celebrate the SF25th Grand Finals, Mad Catz has lined up an awesome deal for fighting game fans! These offers are valid only for North America (Continental US & Canada) and expires end-of-day on Tuesday, Dec. 11. Visit their webstore and use the following promo codes:
Using coupon code SF25PAD you can save 50% OFF our entire range of Street Fighter X Tekken FightPad S.D. controllers for either the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3!
Using coupon code SF25STICK you can save $60 OFF our entire range of Street Fighter X Tekken FightSticks for either the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3! The FightStick PRO and FightStick V.S. can be yours for the limited time offer of $100 or $140, respectively.
First 1000 guests will receive a wristband at the door for a SF25 Goodie Bag which includes:
- SF25 Event T-shirt
- SF25 red Ryu headband
- Program book
- UDON SF comic books
- Other various goodies from all our vendors
- Some bags will have “Golden Tickets” inside for special big prizes
- Raffle ticket
We’ll be running raffles all throughout the day so be sure to keep an ear out to see if you’ve won! Below is a list of many of the cool prizes you can win during the event:
- Street Fighter Monopoly Sets by USAopoly ( www.usaopoly.com/ )
- Kineda T-Shirts and Stickers ( www.kineda.com )
- High-quality UDON Street Fighter Artbooks ( www.UDONentertainment.com )
- AVerMedia Game Capture HD Units ( www.avermedia-usa.com/ )
- SOTA Oni Statue ( www.sotatoysonline.com/ )
- SF25th Collectors Set
- Prototype Z – Sagat fully painted & specially made for the event worth $3500 ( www.prototypezstudio.com/ )
- Musterbrand Jacket
- PlayStation + Cards