Win a Copy of Udon’s SF20: The Art of Street Fighter!
Dec 21, 2009 // jgonzo
Udon was nice enough to unload a few copies of SF20: The Art of Street Fighter (softcover versions) onto us and we figured that you folks wouldn’t mind getting your hands on a copy. We got TWO books for you to win…but how shall we give these out…hmm let’s see…books…words…I got it!!
Remember this little post about Street Fighter poetry? Well, now’s your chance to create your own Street Fighter poem! The best poem (as judged by us here on the community team) will be awarded a copy of SF20: The Art of Street Fighter!
What about the 2nd book? Another copy will be awarded to the person with the most awful/good Street Fighter poem. What’s that mean? Well, your poem would have to be so terrible that it’s quite good in its awfulness (think puns).
You can message me with your poems with the subject line “Street Fighter Poem”. Be sure to give your poem a title!
The deadline is January 3rd, 11:59PM PST. Get your creative hats on!
Of course, you can always buy your own copy from our store (limited edition hardcover edition) or Amazon , but where’s the fun in that?!